Steve Tollner Painting

Residential Painting

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Steve Tollner Painting
Texas Residential Painting Contractor 
Serving Kendall, Comal, Guadalupe, 
Bandera, Bexar and Surrounding Counties

For over the past 40 years, Steve Tollner has been known for exceptional results, precise craftsmanship, and prompt, respectful service. Steve Tollner Residential Painting offers professional, full service painting that specializes in quality residential painting at an affordable price. We are professionals in drywall repair, tape and texture. We also install new trim and moldings, and we guarantee customer satisfaction. 

The Secret Is In The Prep


Steve Tollner and his team patch plaster and drywall, fill cracks. When you notice cracks, holes, or moisture damage in your walls, you may need to have your sheetrock/drywall repaired. Making necessary repairs or restoration to your drywall is important to the structural integrity of your home and value as well. For all of your drywall repair, installation, or upgrade needs. Steve understands and advocates good prep because he knows that if you want a superb painting job, you need to take care to prepare surfaces properly.

Quality Paints 


After prepping, a quality paint is key to a quality paint job. Steve can help you select the best paint for your home or office.

Clean Up Crew


Clients rave about how neat and clean the Steve Tollner Painters are and that’s the way Steve likes it. They always take great care to protect surfaces that won’t be painted as well as furniture and appliances on the premises. And they tidy up the work area at the end of each day so you don’t have to deal with unnecessary mess in your home. Once the job is finished, they will return your furniture to its original location, clean up all paint-related debris and vacuum the floors. They leave nothing behind except for a beautiful interior finish.
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